Unable to mount virtual optical disk VBoxGuestAdditions.iso in VM


Unable to mount virtual optical disk VBoxGuestAdditions.iso into the Virtual Machine with Oracle Linux

Error Description

Count not mount the media/drive VBoxGuestAdditions.iso (VERR_PDM_MEDIA_LOCKED).

+ When I tried to mount a shared folder from Windows to inside VM using command mount -t vboxsf StageR122 /mnt, then I got the following error:

/sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device

How to troubleshoot

Step 1. First run the below mentioned command to find out the exact issue of communication between VM and your host

modprobe -a vboxguest vboxsf vboxvideo

Step 2. Mount the ISO file: 

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt

Step 3. Install the VirtualBox guest additions now:

cd /mnt 


Now when you retry loading your host folder using vboxsf commend then the error will not come


Host OS = Windows 10

Guest OS = Oracle Linux 5.x

Virtualbox Version = 5.x

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