Error in starting DB Listener - TNS-12542: TNS:address already in use


Error in starting DB Listener for Oracle EBS 12i Database

Error Description

Error listening on: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))
TNS-12542: TNS:address already in use
 TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
  TNS-00512: Address already in use
   Linux Error: 98: Address already in use

Listener failed to start. See the error message(s) above...

Steps to Reproduce

Start the DB listener using the following command

$ lsnrctl start VIS


1. Check /etc/hosts file and make sure the IP address used for EBS domain is exactly the same as configured in listener.ora file. The listener.ora file will be located in this directory:


2. Make sure you are able to ping the IP address in the server you have installed Oracle DB and EBS

3. Once above issues have been fixed, then try restarting listener using below command at the terminal

$ lsnrctl start <SID name>


  • Oracle EBS 12.1.1
  • Linux 5.7
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