By ACL Sales on Friday, 14 November 2014
Category: Apps DBA

Syntax error: Invalid parameter 'VMs\Oracle' while resizing a Virtualbox VDI


Getting following error while resizing a Virtualbox VDI using the following command

VBoxmanage modifyhd D:\VirtualBox VMs\Oracle EBS 12.2.4\Oracle EBS 12.2.4.vbox --resize 550000

Error Description

Syntax error: Invalid parameter 'VMs\Oracle'


Looks like the issue is due to the spacing between the directory names. Simply use the above command to make sure the D drive path is in quotes. 

VBoxmanage modifyhd "D:\VirtualBox VMs\Oracle EBS 12.2.4\Oracle EBS 12.2.4.vbox" --resize 550000


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